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Self-Guided PTSD Recovery
Welcome and Intro
Welcome and Introduction to Course (3:03)
Modular 1: What is Happening to Me
Lesson 1: Stress, Trauma & Responses (18:11)
Worksheet 1.1
Lesson 2: Memories & Dreams (16:16)
Worksheet 1.2
Lesson 3: Avoidance & Numbing Out (14:50)
Worksheet 1.3
Module 2: The Skill of Acceptance & What It Does For You
Lesson 1: Introducing Acceptance (16:43)
Worksheet 2.1
Lesson 2: Mindfulness (15:25)
Worksheet 2.2
Module 3: Noticing: The First Skill of Acceptance
Lesson 1: How to Start to Notice (28:22)
Worksheet 3.1
Lesson 2: Language, Listening & Control (14:52)
Worksheet 3.2
Lesson 3: Emotions & Missions (21:46)
Worksheet 3.3
Lesson 4: Triggers (14:50)
Worksheet 3.4
Modular 4: Acceptance: The Skill of Understanding
Lesson 1: Developing Self-Talk (20:09)
Worksheet 4.1
Inner Critic Inner Friend (21:25)
Worksheet 4.2
Modular 5: Self-Care
Lesson 1: Caring for Your Body (17:58)
Worksheet 5.1
Lesson 2: Social Needs (22:21)
Worksheet 5.2
Modular 6: Triggers & Memories
Lesson 1: Mastering Triggers (21:36)
Worksheet 6.1
Lesson 2: Working Through Your Past (40:20)
Worksheet 6.2
Modular 7: Creating a Life You Love
Lesson 1: Noticing What You Like (17:08)
Worksheet 7.1
Lesson 2: Understanding Grief & Honoring Those We Have Lost (22:07)
Worksheet 7.2
Lesson 3: Making Meaning Out of Your Past (21:34)
Worksheet 7.3
Worksheet 4.2
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